Saturday, March 19, 2011

Amazing medicinal and health benefits of green tea

Origin of green tea: Green tea originated from China. Chinese had been using green tea since 4000 years ago. They had known the heath and medicinal benefits of green tea. What are the uses of green tea? Please keep reading......

1. Anti cancer properties: Green tea has anti- cancer properties. It can prevent certain types of cancer effectively.

2. Weight loss: Green tea can help you to reduce weight naturally. You can shed off the extra weight by drinking green tea regularly.

3. Cholesterol: Green tea helps to reduce your LDL Cholesterol (bad cholesterol) levels. It also increases the good cholesterol levels.

4. Immunity: green tea can boost your immune system significantly.

5. Arthritis: It is helpful in treating rheumatoid arthritis.                    

6. Hypertension: It reduced the blood pressure level s in hyper tension patients.

7. Heart attacks and strokes: It can reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke if taken regularly.

8. Diabetes: Green tea can prevent diabetes as well.

9. Fatigue: It helps to reduce fatigue considerably.       

10. Oral health: Green tea can kill mouth bacteria. It can fight against bad breath. It can prevent tooth decay too.

11. Glaucoma: Green tea can   help to prevent Glaucoma as well.

12. HIV patients: Green tea can't cure AIDS but it is helpful in giving HIV patients a better quality life.

13. Depression: Green tea is also helpful in treating depression.(Some scientists differ on this though)

14. Metabolism: It can increase your metabolism significantly.

15.  Anti-bacterial properties: Green tea has anti-bacterial properties as well.

Recommended intake: You can drink 3 to 5 cups of green tea every day.

Limitations: You should consult your doctor before giving to children and pregnant women.

Summary: Green tea has many health benefits. It has several medicinal uses as well. Green tea is easily available in the market at affordable prices.

(Words of caution: This is not a medical article. Information you find in this article are given on a best efforts basis but can’t be treated as medical advice. You should always consult your doctor before making a decision, thanks.)


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